Frequently Asked Questions about Thaditor


How does Thaditor's installation looks like?

After placing ThaditorInstaller.php at the root of your folder (here is where to get it) , running displays the following interface. It enables you to directly install the business version if you obtain a license key, else it gives you steps to activate the trial version, which converts to a free version without toolbar after 10 days if no license key is entered later.

The next two sections provide customized instructions (e.g. for on how to ensure only authenticated users will be able to access Thaditor:

What happens after I install Thaditor?

After clicking on "Install Thaditor", the installer will create a folder "Thaditor/" and modify the .htaccess to enable the use of ?edit, ?ls and ?raw. It will display a confirmation page. You will be immediately able to log in Tharzen by appending ?edit to any web addresses of your website, but then you won't need ?edit while you are logged in.

Can I use my favorite DevTools to edit the website?

Yes, with some work. Tharzen listens to changes in the Document Object Model made by anything, so this include Chrome DevTools (F12 or CTRL+°J), etc.
This means that you can right-click on an element, choose "inspect", and change the HTML right from the element inspector.
However, in order to tell Tharzen to actually consider the change for saving, you need to call editor.userStartsModifying() before editing, and make sure to call editor.userStopsModifying() after editing. If you do not do this, Tharzen will consider that the change was made by the computer and it will not be saved.
A sample devtools looks like this:

Even in the free version of Thaditor, all devTools are supported. You can also change the attribute styles of objects.
However, there is not way to change styles applied to an object if they are on a separate stylesheet.

My website has some JavaScript, I don't want animations to be saved!

Good news. Tharzen automatically disregard any changes in the DOM that were not initiated by you. It treats JavaScript as a black box, but using markers, it can trace where elements are being moved to make sure it records your changes at the right place in the original HTML files.

What subset of PHP does Thaditor support?

Whatever can be inside the following <?php ... ?> escapes:

  • include("file.php");
  • switch (EXPR) { case "string": $var = EXPR; break; case "string2": $var = EXPR; break; ... default: $var = EXPR }
    There can be multiple variables assignments, but they must always appear in each case and in default, always in the same order.
  • EXPR can be any of the following:
    • Une variable
    • $_GET["string"]
      Any string that represents a query parameters
      For the moment, only SCRIPT_NAME is supported
    • "Strings with $interpolation variables"
  • echo EXPR; or print EXPR;
  • <?php if(EXPR == EXPR) { ?>
    To the condition that it is followed by a
    <?php } ?>

Internally and for now, Thaditor rewrites the PHP code to Elm / Leo code so that its engine can work. We are working on a pure PHP version. Get in touch with us if you are interested.

What Static Site Generators (SSG) does Thaditor support?

Thaditor currently fully supports the Hyde Build Tool, which works on our enhanced Elm language (or Leo language).
Just add a file hydefile.leo to the root of your website (or the root of a sub-project of your website) -- that's easy, just enter /hydefile.leo?raw on your URL, it will offer you to create the file, modify the content and save it.
If you use plug-ins, add them next to your hydefile.
You don't need to execute the hydefile. Thaditor will find it and execute it whenever you edit a page powered by Hyde, so that you end up modifying the visual result instead of the sources.

How does Hyde caching work?

The first time Thaditor runs your Hydefile, it remembers which files were read and which files were written and stores this information in the file .hydecache.
The next times, Thaditor will run your hydefile only if you modify elements that are part of the pipeline (source or outputs).
In case you modify the hydefile or add more source files that were not taken into account, either delete the hydecache or add the URL parameter clearhydecache=true to your URL.

Besides ?edit, what are the ?ls and ?raw that Thaditor supports?

If you add ?ls to a folder on your website, Thaditor will display a list of files like this. You can then create folders, rename files and folders, move them, etc.

If you add ?raw to any file, or if your ?edit is on a *.txt, *.js or *.css file, Thaditor will open a text editor that will enable to modify your file in text mode, like the following: